Monday, March 4, 2024

Guest blogger: Casey (Character interview from the book Calm.Down.Dear.


Sam wants what he believes most people want, acceptance, love, maybe even a commitment someday. When Sam meets Casey at Westside State University, he thinks he has found the perfect person to start his life with. Sam thinks he has found the woman of his dreams. Follow along with Sam through the years of his union with Casey within a world where the rules have changed. Men are no longer the more powerful gender; women have claimed that role. Explore what happens to Sam within this type of world when he chains himself to an unsafe partner. Experience how a society built on a power imbalance impacts all those that reside within it. How much can one person endure before they descend into madness? How much can one’s own self-worth be suppressed before they snap? Sam is about to find out.

Interview with Casey  "Calm.Down.Dear."

Introduce yourself to our readers. Where do you fit into the story? What should we know about you?

My name is Casey Freemont. I am the love interest, and eventually the wife, of Sam. We met at college before getting married and having two beautiful children. I am an extremely driven doctor and work with a few other highly competent doctors within our private practice clinic. My parents expected me to succeed in all areas of life, and so I set out to do just that. Someone looking from the outside into my world, would see me and my family as not only beautiful, but highly functioning and loving as well.

What do you think about the author? Tell us everything we want to know.

To be honest, I don’t think the author really “gets me”. She seems much more sympathetic to Sam, even though Sam is well taken care of by me. I don’t think the author fully appreciates how hard it is to gain the kind of life I have established. Sometimes you have to use questionable methods to get the life you deserve, it’s not always about everyone’s feelings.

 What are your feelings about this story?

Without giving too much away, the story clearly gets out of hand. What I was creating would have been perfect, but somehow it goes in a direction I wasn’t anticipating at all.

How do you feel about being a character in this book?

Up to a point, pretty good. That is before things begin to spiral out of my control. I really like the part where I controlled the narrative. I am most comfortable when everything is well controlled, preferably by myself.

What do you see in your future?

Honestly, it seems a little dark. A future can only be obtained when a well thought out plan is in place. So I am nothing without that and have no way to speak about it.

 Is there a sequel in the future? Will you be a part of it?

The most likely answer is no.

Say a movie producer comes knocking. What actress would you want to play you and why?

Emma Roberts. Because she is strong and beautiful, just like me.

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