Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Guest blogger: Mabel Schmidel (Character Interview)

 Character Interview

1.     Introduce yourself to our readers. Where do you fit into the story? What should we know about you?

My name is Mabel Schmidel. I live on the top floor of a restored 1920s apartment building with a collection of women in their 70s, 80s, 90s. At 87, I fit right in, although I have not ever dated the manager, Mr. Johnson.


2.     What do you think about the author? Tell us everything. We want to know.

I’ve known Alyne since she was a baby. Her parents bought a house up the hill from mine when they were expecting her. I loved that she would leave a May basket of violets hanging on my door on May 1st each year. When she was a grown woman and lived miles away, she had a blooming violet plant delivered. Sweet memories for me. I’m happy to be part of her memories as she creates her stories.


3.     What are your feelings about this story?

I enjoyed spending time with each of the women Alyne created to share the apartment building with me. Some of the them I had known for most of my life, but others only became friends after moving to the St. James. I am proud that we could all work together to solve this mystery.


4.     How do you feel about being a character in this book?

I am proud to be a center part of this book. Alyne worked very hard to show that ‘mature’ women can be active and successful in ways even they had never considered. She also proves that it is never too late to find love.


5.     What do you see in your future? (No spoilers please!)

I plan to get up every day, take a brisk walk while I listen to the birds, and spend time with friends. If a new challenging mystery should come our way, I’m sure we will do our best to solve it.


6.     Is there Sequel /another cozy mystery book in the future? Will you be part of it?

Let’s just say that the St. James Lady Detectives are not ready to retire just yet.


7.     Say a movie producer comes knocking. What actor/actress would you want to play you and why?

My first thought was Angela Lansbury because she was tall and a strong woman. Unfortunately, she passed in 2022 at just 96 years old. I plan to still be looking for clues when I reach 110. 

My second selection would be Vanessa Redgrave. She is also tall, and we are the same age. I think it would be such fun to share stories with her about the adventures that come with a full life.

Alyne Bailey

About the author
Alyne Bailey often told her community college business students that she intended to write something other than textbooks. After her retirement and move from Washington state to Texas, she has been able to do just that. “It has been so much fun using a life time of the interesting people I have met and their life stories as inspiration for my romance novels. It is like getting to know those people all over again.”

Find all of her books on Amazon here:

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