Thursday, February 29, 2024

Killandrio Bludd, defense advocate (Character from “Tales of a Rogue Advocate”)


The Healer
Gwyneira Waldir, a healer accused of murdering her husband with poison, is unlike any client Killandrio Bludd has ever represented. Beautiful and fascinating, she also has a dark secret that will shock the known world—including the advocate pledged to defend her.

The Pearl
When a humble baker is accused of stealing a valuable pearl, Killandrio Bludd agrees to defend him in court. But Killy’s client has more to fear than a date with a jury—the missing gem just might be the legendary Wandreme Pearl, a magical object that some would do anything to possess.

Interview with Killandrio Bludd, defense advocate from “Tales of a Rogue Advocate”


Tell us about yourself. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Rynland, a prosperous and respectable realm, with well-educated and mostly upstanding citizens—in other words, dull. But it’s on the Great Ocean, and I spent half my childhood swimming or playing on the beach. So, not a bad place—but dull.


Did you have any favorite toys as a child?

Yes, a pair of hand puppets. I would make them argue with one another about various matters. [Laughs] Those puppet arguments were like childhood training for my becoming an advocate.


And now you’re a famous defense advocate.

Most would say infamous. At least the lying sheriffs, bribe-taking constables, corrupt prosecutors, stone-hearted judges, dishonest nobles, and greedy landowners would.


But the folks you defend think better of you, no?

You mean cutpurses, smugglers, burglars, whores, gamblers, brawlers, and sneak thieves? [Laughs] They only think better of me when they need my services.


Tell us about the cases described in “Tales of a Rogue Advocate.”

The case involving the healer Gwyneira Waldir is fiendishly complicated, though I’m convinced she’s innocent. But I have a strong feeling that she isn’t telling me everything, that she has some big secret she doesn’t want to reveal. But, win or lose, I’m determined get to the bottom of it all.


What about the case of the stolen pearl?

I prefer to call it the case of the missing pearl since, once again, I believe my client, a humble baker, is innocent. Besides, I don’t trust the owner of the pearl and wouldn’t be surprised if he’s in on the crime, if there even was a crime. But the trial is ongoing, so I can’t speculate too much.


What’s the best thing about working as a defense advocate?

The courtroom battles. They’re like jousts, but with words as weapons instead of lances and swords.


It’s been said that you, ah, sometimes bend the rules. Is that true?

Though I’m known as “the rogue advocate,” I do follow the rules—unless some miscreant prosecutor or corrupt judge tries to unfairly take advantage of one of my clients. Then I become the human battering ram. I’ve ignored judges, yelled at witnesses, and insulted prosecutors rather than let them cheat one of my clients in court. I’ve been fined, held in abuse of the court, and thrown in jail because of my tactics. I regret none of it.


Tell us about your friends.

My closest friend is my young partner and protector Teren Dunkton, known as Tunk. He’s the opposite of me—he’s calm, quiet, restrained, uncomplaining, and patient. As I said, nothing like me. I’ve also become close friends with the sorceress Astil, who’s known—for good reason—as the most dangerous woman in the known world. She’s helping me with both of my current legal cases, “The Healer” case and “The Pearl” case. She’s a fine person to have on your side—and a woman who you really, really don’t want opposing you. With the help of Tunk and Astil, I’m feeling good about both cases. But juries can be unpredictable, so we’ll just have to see how things turn out.

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