Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Guest blogger: Character Interview Unanticipated Consequence - a Second Chance by Judi Getch Brodman

 Unanticipated Conquences - Kindle edition by Brodman, Judi Getch. Contemporary Romance Kindle eBooks @

When Jenna Kastle, Marketing Director and owner of a New York advertising company answers a call for a proposal, she never expects to come face to face with Brett Wolfhead, a man who destroyed her life ten years ago. On a mysterious call from Afghanistan, he had broken their engagement with no explanation.

How does she handle this unexpected situation? Stay the consummate professional is her only choice – she needs this contract. But those dark eyes…and the memories threaten to derail her composure. Yet the thought of her wedding gown still hanging in the closet of her childhood bedroom causes her to confront him never imagining what his answer would be.

Could they reawaken what they felt years ago, overcome the sadness, betrayal and anger they both feel?
Most importantly, can they rebuild the trust between them needed to make a life together?

 Introduce yourself to our readers. Where do you fit into the story? What should we know about you?

I’m Jenna Kasstle, owner and Marketing Director of a New York Advertising company, First & Foremost. When we first meet, I’m on my way to give a presentation to a Boston based architectural firm that’s looking for a new marketing campaign.

Ten years ago, I became engaged to my college sweetheart. He enlisted in the Air Force after graduation where his first tour was Afghanistan. He was a fighter pilot. I hadn’t heard from him for six weeks when he called, broke our engagement… no reason given. He shattered my heart. I left Boston for New York where I started my own marketing company and here I am returning to Boston for the first time to give this presentation.

I think you should know that I’m tough but have a soft heart. The other thing you should know is that I don’t think I ever stopped loving him.


What do you think about the author? Tell us everything. We want to know.

What I love about Judi is that she writes like a painter. By that I mean, you can see and feel everything around you as you read my story. She lets you see Boston at Christmas and Vermont with it’s iced over lake. Someone once said, you are actually in her character’s shoes. She knows and understands her characters inside and out. She places me in an untenable situation where I unexpectedly come face to face with the man to whom I was engaged. She of course creates him as irresistible even ten years later – tall, dark and handsome as they say. Throughout this book, she creates a whirlwind of situations, which drive me crazy - loving him, hating him and loving him again. She forces us together even though I fight her at every step. Nevertheless, she wins because she’s the author. When you experience her story, you will never want to put this book down. You and I will know each other very well. I overheard someone tell her it was her best story yet. I loved being her main female character.

What’s truly amazing about Judi is her background; her degrees are in mathematics and physics with advanced degree in Computer Engineering, not fiction writing. But she has studied her craft well at FAU and worked with author Heidi Jon Schmidt at 24 PEARL STREET, Provincetown, MA. She does that with everything she tackles. 3. What are your feelings about this story?

As I said earlier, this is a story that you don’t want to put down and you also don’t want it to end. My character is challenging because I try to stay away from Brett but Judi throws us together constantly. She tosses in a little intrigue with a new character who seems interested in me but also seems interested in Brett’s business. Of course, he has a character interested in him, a French woman. I’m not happy about that situation. The many twists and turns, up and downs, keep you turning pages for sure.


 How do you feel about being a character in this book?

As I said earlier, I loved being Jenna in this story. I’m multi-faceted, tough, soft, smart, crafty… all the things a reader wants to see and feel in a character. And I love the face-off with Brett. And Judi also has another male character, Luke, my current boyfriend… well, maybe you should read that part.


 What do you see in your future? (No spoilers please!)

Will I get back with Brett? That’s a very hard decision for me to make because trust has been broken. Can I ever trust him again? I don’t know.


Is there Sequel /another_________ book in the future? Will you be part of it?

There will be no sequel. When this story ends, it’s over. BUT, I do know Judi has just finished the draft of a new story with a new character, Sabrina. Now she would make an interesting interview… or maybe her ancestor would too.


Say a movie producer comes knocking. What actor/actress would you want to play you and why?

Well, I’m hoping that a movie producer comes knocking. I originally was in the published novella, Broken Christmas Promise. A producer was interested in my and Brett’s character interaction but the novella didn’t really tell our entire story. Their guidance was to write a more involved story so Judi wrote this book in order to tell our entire story.

Who would I want to play me? I would really have to have guidance with that. There are so many wonderful young female actors who could take on my part – Hailee Steinfeld, Chloe Moretz, Sophie Turner… I can’t wait to see who plays me!

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