Friday, March 8, 2024

Guest blogger: Detective Eve Teschal, Gevaudan PD, Gevaudan, MA (Character Interview)


Question 1: Introduction

My name is Detective Eve Teschal. I have worked as a detective and police officer for more than two decades, first in New York City and, currently, in Gevaudan, a large southeastern Massachusetts mill city, a place to which I was ultimately drawn to care for my ailing mother. I have also assisted with cases in such places as Los Angeles, New Orleans and even Edinburgh, Scotland. It is said that I possess a unique talent for solving cases that require one to think outside the proverbial box. Well outside the box in many instances. Such cases literally cry out for someone who is willing to step into the shadows when necessary and return to the light when the job is done.

I have long since come to terms with the fact that I am the product of Kevin Bouchard’s imagination thus being the culmination of both his research and personal experiences and as such I freely admit that I am pleased with the way in which he depicts me. It is with some degree of pride to say that I am featured in three books by Mr. Bouchard. I first appeared in Blue Moon, a supernatural thriller set in suburbia. I don’t make an appearance until the second half of the book, but then my presence was not needed for the first half. I appeared next in Cry of the Cat, another supernatural thriller, this one with an urban setting. In this book I am a main character. I also appear in The Devil Comes to Nazareth which is a mystery thriller. And though I do not make an appearance in his other book, The House of Ophelia Raine, I am well acquainted with all of the characters as we are all part of the same fictional universe and even manage to work together in The Devil Comes to Nazareth.

Question 2: Character’s opinion of the Author

I hold the author in the highest regard. He respects his characters and the parts they play in the story or stories in which they are featured. For instance, my mother suffers from dementia and lives in a skilled nursing home. She is of Scottish decent and is also a Romani Gypsy, two facts of which I am constantly reminded. Her opinion regarding my choice of professions is less than supportive. But her concerns for my happiness and safety are beyond reproach. Mr. Bouchard handles her situation with respect, giving her opinions value while providing information related to her circumstance and insight into the unique relationship that is mother and daughter.

Question 3: Feelings about the stories in which the character is featured

I like the stories in which I play a part, though they do take me to some very dark places. Thus far I have returned from those places relatively unscathed, physically that is to say, though the journeys have left their scars on my psyche. A few of the other characters I have encountered along the way did not fare so well.

Question 4: Character’s feelings about being featured in these stories

I am pleased to be a part of these tales; it gives me purpose. It also gets me out of the house, which can be a lonely place. My cat doesn’t mind too much. And these sojourns, though often dark and dangerous provide a distraction from my mother’s situation. And each story ultimately grants me glimpses of my inner self, though some of those glimpses are not always welcome.

Question 5 and 6: Sequels featuring the character

Regarding sequels and prequels I do play a major part in a new book tentatively titled In the Shadow of the Moon, which Mr.

Bouchard is currently polishing, (he does spend a lot of time polishing stories, but then again he is a bit of a perfectionist). And I understand that due to my talents regarding cases that might prove to be frightening and even disturbing to many, Mr. Bouchard assures me that there are countless adventures in store for me. He does like the macabre, but then again he did grow up in Fall River, Massachusetts, Lizzie Borden’s home town. And Fall River is a stone’s throw from Providence, R.I., the home of H. P. Lovecraft, and Boston, a former haunt of Edgar Allen Poe and is in regional proximity to Stephen King up in Maine. Perhaps the air in this region is simply more mysterious by nature. But I have faith in Mr. Bouchard and his sense of justice and his ability to provide for me a path back from the shadows.

Question 7: Who would play this character in a film adaptation?

I like this question. I like it a lot. For a character to see them-self fleshed out on the silver screen… Well, that would be akin to The Velveteen Rabbit becoming real wouldn’t it? Mr. Bouchard and I have mused over this topic on many occasions, (Mr. Bouchard has turned one of his books into a screenplay so these thoughts did not just magically appear). We are unanimous in our decision that Jodie Comer would be perfect for the role, though Hollywood magic would have to age her. She is tough yet vulnerable and a brilliant actress. And she has no trouble with the darkness, especially if there is some humor attached. Kate Blanchett might also suit the role, though she might be an all too obvious choice. In either case, dare we dream?

About  The Author: Kevin Bouchard

Kevin Bouchard is a retired Special Needs teacher who has also worked as a professional musician playing drums with cover and original rock bands in and around Boston. He lives in south coast Massachusetts with his wife Robin and their Lhasa Also, Maizie. Kevin Bouchard: books, biography, latest update

Books by Kevin Bouchard with Solstice Publishing: 

Blue Moon, Cry of the Cat, The House of Ophelia Raine, The Devil Comes to Nazareth Blue Moon eBook : Bouchard, Kevin: Kindle Store

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