Monday, December 6, 2021

Free books! Day 1 December 6th

 The holidays are coming so I wanted to let everyone read my books for free or priced low as a thank you for supporting me all of these years. As always all of my books are free every day with Kindle Unlimited. You can find my Amazon author page here: Lizzy Stevens: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

For those of you who are not members of Kindle Unlimited I will be giving away or having my books on sale from December 6th - 23rd. I will post it here on my blog what is going on that day and week, but you can always go to my Amazon page and see things there.

Free December 6th - December 10th


This book is not intended for young children. The Angry Snowman has some violence and destruction in the story.

The town is attacked by an angry snowman. This town didn’t get the nice looking fun to be around snowman that sat in yards every Winter. What they got was an angry snowman that terrorized their town destroying everything in sight.

After watching the destruction this snowman was doing the townspeople decided to fight back. They went on the attack. Who would win this big crazy battle? Would it be the Angry Snowman or would it be the townspeople?

            FREE ONE DAY  ONLY! December 6th.

#37 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > One hour (33-43 pages) > Romance
#52 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Contemporary

Caterina Daniels was having a hard time. She had no real friends and her only family member, her grandpa, had cancer with a few days left to live. She didn’t know how much more she could handle when she walked into the hospital chapel, looked up to the ceiling, and said the words…

“God. If you do exist.” She let out a big sigh. “I mean. God. If you are there, I’m sorry for whatever I have done to make you mad at me.”

She thought the chapel was empty. But an older woman named Martha was sitting over to side. When Caterina met Martha it changed her whole life. Martha becomes a close friend to her. Caterina leans on her through her difficult time.

Martha sends her son, Jackson, to Caterina to help through a difficult time. Caterina and Jackson become fast friends but is there more than friendship waiting for them?

Free the 6th - the 10th

The Christmas Wish - Kindle edition by Stevens, Lizzy, Miller, Steve . Romance Kindle eBooks @

Bethany’s life is turned upside down when she lost the love of her life Tyson on Christmas. A year goes by when she is suddenly offered a chance to undo the past by Fate dressed up as Santa. Is this for real? Can she really make a wish on a star and get her beloved back or is somebody playing a mean trick on her?

Also included is a Bonus Story.
"A Surprise For Christmas"

FREE December 6th - 10th

A year had passed since Eve lost the love of her life, Dillon, in a car accident. Strange thing started to happen. The radio started playing one of Dillon’s favorite songs and nothing would make it stop. When she got out of the hot shower words would form on the fogged-up mirror. What was happening? Who was doing this? Could it really be Dillon trying to tell her something?

Short story ~ Quick read

Free the 6th - the 10th

Alicia Andrews wanted the perfect day. She had planned her wedding from the time she was a little girl. She was marrying the perfect guy and everything was going to be perfect. Or was it? Not everything went as it was supposed to. How does Alicia handle the setbacks? Does she get her happy day?

~ Quick Read

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