Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Guest blogger: Tower Lowe

 5 Things you don't know about Tower Lowe

  1. I published a romance story about falling in love over ice cream flavors. (They merged their cones at the end.)
  2. My favorite flavor to fall in love over is Jamoca Almond Fudge. (Deliciously delightful dessert.)
  3. I take a once-a-day dose of dark chocolate squares. (Doesn't one dose of chocolate a day keep the doctor away?)
  4. I dated a chocolate vendor for two months. (But the chocolate was better than the vendor.)
  5. I know how to make a chocolate bourbon pecan pie. (Now that's true love.)

If anything happens to me… That phrase from Gloria’s email haunts Molly as she bounces around half-conscious in a dark space. Later, she opens her eyes in a small house with all the windows bricked shut and the door boarded from the outside. Her kidnapper has taken her keys, her cell phone, and her purse. Molly scrambles through the house, looking for any sign of life, any hope of escape, but the house is abandoned and she sees no way out.The kidnapping of former fraud investigator Molly Donovan follows Gloria’s murder, an event witnessed by Molly and PI Miguel Alvarez. Gloria’s mysterious email throws the two investigators together in a frantic search for the perp. A stranger traps Molly inside the abandoned house while an old friend sucks Miguel into his troubled past. Molly trusts Miguel until a series of notes incriminates him and leaves Molly on her own to investigate a sex cult, missing money, and jaded love.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Guest Blogger: Glenn Berggoetz

 5 Things you don't know about Glenn Berggoetz

1. I have been a college English professor for nearly two decades.
2. I was a first-team all-conference and honorable mention all-American baseball player in college.
3. I'm the guitarist and primary singer for the band Norwegian Soft Kitten, which will be releasing its second album in 2021.
4. I have written and directed twelve feature films, six of which have received a limited theatrical run.
5. I can eat more doughnuts in one sitting than anyone you know.

Robert is an elderly man who suffers from cognitive decline. Before he can no longer function and deal with the world around him, Robert undertakes the journey of a lifetime to try to find redemption for an act that occurred in his teens and has haunted him for nearly sixty years.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Guest Blogger: Randall Krzak

 5 Things you don't know about author  Randall Krzak

1. Jumped out of a perfectly good airplane (twice)
2. Lived in seven countries
3. Didn't start fiction writing until I took early retirement (55.5 years old)
4. Enjoy visiting historical places
5. Like to cook

Joao and Catarina Regaleria’s twentieth wedding anniversary celebration was fast approaching when a contact from the past reaches out for his assistance.

Colonel Theodore Mwanga, a former enemy commander during the Angolan war and now an important politician, requests Joao’s help. The colonel’s adult son, Peter, was kidnapped while working as a doctor for the Christian Aid Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Reluctant to get involved, Joao contacts Xavier Sear, a former CIA operative. They became friends when Joao served as a member of the United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces in Angola and Sear was an observer.

After Catarina’s persuasive intervention, Joao and Sear head to the DRC to rescue Peter. Treachery abounds at each step of the way. Will they be successful or will the situation deteriorate even further as various players follow their own agendas?

Monday, June 21, 2021

Guest Blogger Beth Orion


5 Things you don't know  about Beth Orion

1- Beth used to kiss 117 posters of Boy George goodnight before going to bed!
2- Beth’s Favourite animals are cats and octopuses and her favourite wrestlers are AEW’s Bastard Pac and Jon Moxley.
3- Her (sweaty) sister kissed Ragnar from Amazon’s Vikings in a pub one night after her running session...
4-Beth once served canapés at a live Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin...
5-In an effort to overcome her abject terror of heights, and to raise money for charity, Beth once did a bungee jump but they had to push her off the crane...(and it didn’t even cure her height’s fear!)

“The Overlord and I” has at its starting point an updated take on the old tale of a school-teacher’s relationship with an all-powerful regent. Noel is the young school-teacher concerned who discovers his surprising ability to fall head over heels for an all-powerful, gothic-looking, alien being, whilst simultaneously realising that his treatment by his human lover is bordering on abusive. Will Noel have the strength to make the best life choices for himself? Will he leave Bill The Bruiser for black-winged Zy’Thra-Lyn? Has he the confidence to side with the Invaders against Humankind…even though when it comes to Kindness, the aliens certainly seem to have the upper hand? And could sleeping with a triple-phallused alien be any worse than what Bill put him through? If nothing else, should he throw himself with abandon into the romance and precarious adventure involved with dating in space? Quirky and intriguing, this is a story you will love telling your friends about…quick – best read it before they do!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Guest Blogger: Virginia Babcock

5 Things You Don't Know About Virginia Babcock

1. My right thumb is double jointed

2. I may not be a medium but I can sense the Spirits of deceased people 
3. I wish GM still made Pontiac Firebirds 
4. I write my novels as scenes hit me. I put them in order later.
5. I have worked for the same employer for almost 25 years. The only adult thing I’ve done longer is drive.

Marion raises sheep. She prefers twins for the profit they bring but falls in love with a bum lamb—a baby abandoned by his mother. Leon mourns losing his grandparents place to a developer before he moves far from his family home. Can these two people find common interests and romance in the wilds of Utah?

Monday, June 14, 2021

Guest Blogger: Vern Turner


5 Things You Don't Know About author Vern Turner

1.  I taught anatomy to doctors and nurses in university and medical college.

2.  I wrote an award-winning op-ed column for four years with a Texas newspaper.

3.  I broke 80 on the golf course two days after my 65th birthday.

4.  I have visited every continent on Earth except Antarctica.

5.  My technical, trade journal articles on assembly robotics pioneered several high-tech companies to advance their production methods.

Or, one of my favorite sayings is:  “When you’ve lived this long, everything you say is insightful.” Meadows and Minefields eBook: Turner, Vern: Kindle Store

Every family has a saga that includes love, pathos, joy, disappointment, tragedy and hope. Meadows and Minefields is one such saga that encompasses the events and challenges that all “baby boomers” experienced in the 1950s and 60s. In light of today's inter-generational discussions, Bert Waller's compelling story about his generation is as rewarding to those who lived it as it is to their descendants, the alphabet generations. It includes the values, events and the social atmosphere of those times that shaped the children and grandchildren of the greatest generation, those who fought tyranny in WW II. Included is the messaging that subsequent generations draw upon, and continue to use, as our nation attempts to move forward into today's uncertain times.

Meadows and Minefields is a compelling, well-crafted, colorful, romantic, true-to-life, page-turner where every chapter has startling new events, life-changing experiences, heart-rending exasperation or unqualified joy.

When a Millennial waxes curious about Baby-Boomers, reading Meadows and Minefields will help him or her understand how America is the way it is today, and better understand the people responsible for making it so.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Guest blogger: Actress Reagan J. Pasternak


New Memoir / Pet Loss Guide By Actress Reagan J. Pasternak

Now Available via Amazon:

 "Griffin's Heart: Mourning Your Pet With No Apologies," 

the debut book by actress Reagan J. Pasternak. A memoir, interactive healing journal, and beautifully crafted keepsake to honor the pets we loved and lost.

Actress Reagan J. Pasternak, Author of "Griffin's Heart"

Actress Reagan J. Pasternak, Author of "Griffin's Heart"

"This book provides a space to honor the loss of our amazing friends and have their memory forever live on if only through our heart and these pages." - Jaycee Dugard, NY Times Bestselling Author of “A Stolen Life” & “Freedom: My Book of Firsts," Founder of The JAYC Foundation

“I know for me animals have always been a major source of comfort. Our pets give us so much unconditional love that when we lose them it can feel like our world stops. This book provides a space to honor the loss of our amazing friends and have their memory forever live on if only through our hearts and these pages.” - Jaycee Dugard, New York Times Bestselling Author of “A Stolen Life: A Memoir” and “Freedom: My Book of Firsts,” and Founder of The JAYC Foundation

The culture of grief when it comes to our animal companions leaves many bereaved pet owners feeling lost and isolated. Too often, the expectation from friends and family is that the mourning period should last no more than a few days to weeks. But the loss of an animal can be equally as devastating as a human loss — it’s just that the support and resources for this brand of grief have been in short supply.

In her debut book, “Griffin’s Heart: Mourning Your Pet With No Apologies” (Creatures Align Press; Hardcover; $27.99; For sale now on, actress Reagan J. Pasternak (HBO’s “Sharp Objects”, Netflix/HULU/HBO’s “Being Erica”, BET’s “Ms. Pat”) provides readers with interactive tools, healing exercises, and unwavering companionship to help them navigate their grief and honor the life of their beloved animal ‘being.’ Readers are encouraged to explore their darkest feelings, make peace with them, and find meaning in their loss. Throughout the book, Reagan provides constant comfort by sharing insights from her own 10-year long journey of healing. For more information, visit

“I started writing ‘Griffin’s Heart’ after the death of my soulmate animal, Griffin, as a way to help heal my wound and find meaning in my grief. Through this process I began to understand that the crushing weight of my loss was not unique to me and that for millions of people whose pets are their family, there was a need for a compassionate and insightful resource. The book is everything I wish I’d had after my Griffin died and it’s my hope that readers will find comfort, insight, companionship, and hope in the pages.” - Reagan J. Pasternak (Author, “Griffin's Heart”)

For 85 million households across the US, pets provide joy, companionship, and uncompromising love. When a pet dies it can be devastating and isolating, especially during a pandemic. Griffin’s Heart takes a new approach to healing in a hybrid format (part memoir, part journal, and part keepsake) and seeks to become the comprehensive resource for pet owners in grief. The book approaches the idea of grief from many angles, leveraging therapeutic ideas from psychology, philosophy, art, and world religions. Throughout the book the reader is engaged to participate by examining their emotions, journaling out their thoughts, documenting memories, placing photos, and more. By the end of the book, the reader will have created a personalized keepsake to commemorate their beloved animal that can be revisited for years to come.

“‘Griffin’s Heart’ is an invaluable resource for anyone suffering from the pain of pet loss. Reagan Pasternak has written a beautiful, easy to read book to support those who are experiencing grief. Interspersed with her own story, she offers tools, resources and journaling exercises to help readers release their pain and soothe their heart. Full of compassion and heartfelt wisdom, this book is a must have for animal lovers who are looking for support and healing.” - Tamara Levitt (Head of Mindfulness at “Calm,” and Author of “The Secret to Clara's Calm” and “Happiness Doesn't Come from Headstands”)

“Finally a book that honors the grief connected to the loss of a significant source of support for so many. Grief is an unavoidable part of loving. Thank you Reagan for providing a protected space to grieve. Sometimes the process of talking or writing out our feelings can have the benefit of helping us heal…I highly endorse this book for anyone grieving after the loss of an animal friend.” - Rebecca Bailey, PhD Author of “Safe Kids, Smart Parents: What Parents Need to Know to Keep Their Children Safe,” Clinical Director of The JAYC Foundation and Director of Transitioning Families

"I loved this book. I want to buy copies for all my friends who are pet parents to give to them when their time of need comes. I can’t recommend it enough." - Heidi White, Long and Short Reviews

“A wonderful and holistic resource for healing the loss of a pet.” - Wendy Van de Poll, MS, CEOL
International Bestselling Author, Pet Loss Grief Coach, and Founder of

“An amazing resource for every single pet owner.” - Dr. Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, DABT (Veterinarian and Host of Pet Life Radio's “ER Vet”)

“I found the book highly relatable, and would definitely recommend 'Griffin's Heart' to anyone looking to heal after a loss of any kind.” - Melissa W. Hunter (Author of “What She Lost”)

"A great, great should never apologize if you are mourning or grieving your pet." - Maria Milito (iHeartRadio's “Maria’s Mutts & Stuff” Podcast)

With “Griffin’s Heart,” author Reagan J. Pasternak seeks to change the culture of grief around mourning animals. Those in grief, and anyone seeking to help after the loss of a beloved pet can now turn to “Griffin’s Heart” and embrace an uncompromising, unapologetic, and honest approach to healing.

The specially-curated volume has been created using ethically-sourced FSC certified materials, and comes elegantly bound in hardcover and packaged with a gold foil stamped slipcase. A portion of the book proceeds will be donated to various animal charities.

Click here to watch a brief message from author Reagan J. Pasternak. Like “Griffin’s Heart” on Facebook ( and follow on Instagram (@griffinsheartbook).


Reagan J. Pasternak is a Canadian-born film and television actress, singer, and writer. She currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband, son, and five rescue animals. Learn more about Reagan at Instagram: @reaganjpasternak

Reagan J. Pasternak
Imprint: Creatures Align Press

On sale: Feb, 2021
Price: $27.99
Pages: 242
ISBN: 978-0-578-70446-3

Jonathan White

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