Saturday, October 26, 2019

Guest Blogger: Sandra Waine

                                                 Down East Desires (The Anchor and Mermaid Series Book 1) by [Waine, Sandra]

Down East Desires is set in one of the most remote, yet lovely areas of Down East Maine. The small fishing village of Lubec. Splash in a dash of the neighboring Canadian Island of Campobello, the FBI, swindling, a lively aunt, and handsome marine biologist and you have all the makings of a suspenseful, yet beautiful story.

At the ripe age of six, Amelia Rhodes spent more than a decade at her Aunt Irene’s cottage in Lubec. Hours upon hours in this craggy, cliffside town enjoying the delights of an oceanside village. It was here that a young girl’s imaginary delights focused on one lad in particular. Simon Bradford.

Yet, encounters with Simon over the years were deeply ingrained upon her heart. It truly was a growing young girl’s crush on an older boy that never dampened. Not even as the years passed.

After college, her trips to Maine stopped. But then a twisted turn of events involving her Aunt Irene’s retirement, property and business forced Amelia to return. To investigate who was making an offer and ensure it was all above board.

Irene needed Mel’s help. Her CPA background. But more than that she just needed her to come back to Lubec. To a place, Mel loved above all other. Return to a village that needed her. Return to a man that needed her even more. Especially now.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Guest blogger: Robert Hoppensteadt

In the half-light of an Alaskan summer night Matt Tulugak pulls his truck off a gravel road and gets out to relieve himself. Looking out over the tundra, he sees a brown gash where permafrost has melted and sloughed off a low hillock. A bony claw reaches out of the mud. He shivers in the light breeze, notices the crescent moon hanging low in the sky, starts to walk. As he approaches the claw it resolves into five huge mammoth tusks arranged in a circle. Within the circle a human skull, half buried and yellow with age, looks through empty eye sockets into a world that is about to change forever.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Guest blogger: Kevin Bouchard

Gwendolyn Quinn’s dreams are all coming true. She’s moving to the Cape Cod town of South Port and the house by the sea that she’s always envisioned. But these are but the final pieces to her already realized life’s ambition, because Gwendolyn Quinn had lived most of her days as Christopher Quinn, a man.Now, with the gender confirmation surgeries behind her, Gwen is ready to begin her life anew. But all dreams come with a price. She must also come to terms with the tragic history of her new house, because eighteen years earlier an enigmatic woman named Ophelia Raine was murdered there and her killer was never apprehended.In spite of these dark tidings Gwen is determined to find happiness in her adopted home. Now, with her newfound friends, Gwen has set sail into her new life. But South Port is an old town and not all of its inhabitants have rolled out the welcome mat for its newest citizen.And Gwen’s friends are becoming gravely concerned with her growing obsession with the late Ophelia Raine as well as her uncanny resemblance to the dead woman. And as Gwen digs deeper into the past, it becomes dangerously evident that someone has noticed her sleuthing, someone with deadly intentions.Suddenly Gwen finds herself in a race with the unknown killer to uncover the truth behind the murder and discover the secret of the House of Ophelia Raine.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Guest blogger: David W. Thompson

                                                   Sons and Brothers: Legends of the Family Dyer by [Thompson, David W.]

Sons and Brothers continues the tradition of its award winning predecessors in the “Legends of the Family Dyer” trilogy. This third installment, although stand-alone, follows the descendants of the accused 17th century witch, Moll Dyer. Another century has passed and divergent family lines are reunited.

Two cousins from different backgrounds, Garren and Brodie, meet at a camp in the Potomac highlands. One hails from the flatlands of Southern Maryland; the other calls the mountains of West Virginia home. The Dyer family’s ancestral foe, the dark entity Laris, doesn’t care where they came from because he knows who they came from. Disguising his intentions, he has one last chance to complete Lilith’s demonic hit.
Three friends oppose the ancient evil: Anna—a hesitant Native American spiritualist, Lenore—a teenager discovering shape-shifting abilities, and Garren—a regular teenage guy with too much to lose...and plenty to gain. The terrors of the past are revisited and the corruption of the past seeps into the present.

The friends embark on a life and death challenge with help from Anna’s spirit guide. All three, a “hero triumvirate,” embrace their newfound talents in an attempt to save their loved ones from the encroaching darkness.

In this often bloody and heart wrenching tale, dark family secrets are revealed, temptation is embraced and the circle of life is renewed. Does love conquer hate? Should some truths remain untold? Can some sins not be forgiven? What would you do?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Yogurt Pie

Yogurt Pie

You can make this completely sure free if you or low fat depending on the ingredients you use.

I graham cracker pie shell
You can buy store bought or get a box of graham crackers and crush them to make your own shell.

2 small containers of yogurt ( Any flavor)
1 container of cool whip
1 box of jello
¼ cup of hot water

How to make:
Mix your box of jello with ¼ cup of hot water. You are not making Jello. All you are doing is mixing the powder up with the small amount of water.

Next add your 2 containers of yogurt

Then add coolwhip

Mix everything together and put in the pie shell.

If you can get your family to leave it alone LOL Put it in the refrigerator for about an hour to get all hardened up and nice and cold.

As I said you could make it sugar free. Simply buy sugar free yogurt, jello, graham crackers. It still tastes yummy 😊

Monday, October 7, 2019

5 Star review for "Locked In A Castle"

Reviewed By Rabia Tanveer for Readers’ Favorite
Locked In A Castle by Lizzy Stevens is the story of a young woman named Kelly with simple needs and simple likes. However, she is not like your average woman. While most girls her age would be out and about, living their dream life and falling in love, Kelly is stuck inside her castle. She is locked there and she can never leave its premises. She spends the nights as a human and the days as a ghost, never in the reach of anything. She is cursed to live this life until someone comes by and breaks the curse for good. She can’t leave the castle so how can she bring someone into her life that will break the curse for her? Figuring this out is taking a toll on her mind and body and there isn’t much she can do about it. Will she ever find someone to break the curse for her? Or is she doomed to live like this forever?

This story was the perfect slice of life. The author has done a wonderful job of writing a concise and complete story. This is a fast-paced and lovely romance where you will find a mixture of Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty all mixed into one modern tale of romance. I really enjoyed reading the interactions between Kelly and Jack; they had a very sweet relationship which added depth to the story. Dane is such a charmer; he is considerate, determined and well-suited with Kelly. I enjoyed reading this story a lot more than I anticipated. Really good!

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