Thursday, August 15, 2024

Guest Blogger: Richard Dalglish


5 Things You Don't Know About 

Richard Dalglish

1. I served as managing editor for a business magazine that covers the fine-jewelry industry. One of our sister publications was “Publishers Weekly,” which received thousands of books to review. When PW was finished with a book, it went on a shelf or a cart or the floor with thousands of other books, all available to anyone in the company to take. For readers, it was the world’s greatest unofficial fringe benefit.


2. I once had a short-term job in an ice cream warehouse. The temperature was around 20 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit). It was so cold, we had to take a ten-minute break every hour to warm up. If a 3-gallon tub of ice cream slipped off the conveyer belt, you had to duck, because at minus-20 degrees, a 3-gallon tub was like a small boulder.


3. I was at Woodstock. There was lots of mud.


4. I ran a marathon once, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Some of the course went through the battlefield park—lots of cannons. I finished in 3 hours, 56 minutes, 15 seconds, achieving my goal with a whopping 3 minutes and 45 seconds to spare.


5. The night I saw the original “Poltergeist” movie, my television turned itself on (!) at around 2 a.m. and woke me up. As I approached the TV to turn it off, the station went into its sign-off and broadcast the exact same version of the Star-Spangled Banner that was shown in “Poltergeist.” I didn’t see any ghosts floating out of the television.

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