Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Guest Blogger: Stacy Walsh


Hi Everyone,

Welcome Stacy Walsh to our blog today! She is here to share 5 Things You Don't Know About her & while she is here she is going to share one of her favorite Summer time recipes with you. We hope you enjoy it.

5 fun facts about Stacy Walsh:
  1. I am a certified yoga instructor
  2. The first book I wrote, Soil, while entirely fictional was inspired by my childhood home
  3. I have two teenage sons that I love with all my heart
  4. I desperately wish I could sing, but as my mom would say I can't carry a tune in a bucket
  5. I've wanted to be a writer from as far back as I can remember, I can't believe I've finally accomplished this dream

Killer Baked Potato Soup
1 Bag of frozen cubed hashbrowns
½ Sweet onion: chopped
1 Block cream cheese
1 Bag shredded cheddar cheese
2 Cans cream of celery soup
1 Container of vegetable stock
Diced Ham (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a crock pot and cook on either low temp all day or high temp for 3 to 4 hours, stirring occassionally.  This makes several servings.

Sam wants what he believes most people want, acceptance, love, maybe even a commitment someday. When Sam meets Casey at Westside State University, he thinks he has found the perfect person to start his life with. Sam thinks he has found the woman of his dreams. Follow along with Sam through the years of his union with Casey within a world where the rules have changed. Men are no longer the more powerful gender; women have claimed that role. Explore what happens to Sam within this type of world when he chains himself to an unsafe partner. Experience how a society built on a power imbalance impacts all those that reside within it. How much can one person endure before they descend into madness? How much can one’s own self-worth be suppressed before they snap? Sam is about to find out.

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