Friday, November 10, 2023

Chance to win prizes & help somebody out in the process!

 Several ways to win prizes. Read below:

This event is to help raise money for Joshua Sprayberry’s funeral expenses. This will help take some stress off of his family and give you a chance to win lots of prizes.
About Joshua:
Joshua was a loving son and brother who is already missed so much. at 27 years old jospassed away tragically and unexpectedly saturday september 16, 2023. With Josh's passing being so unexpecting the cost of his creamation and services are also unexpected. The $4000 needed covers $1500 for the cremation and $2500 for the services.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out durning this time and thank you to annyone who can help to donate. We appreciate anything during this difficult time

Photo is for image reasons. It does not show the actual winning stocking or prizes.

We are Accepting donations for prizes also. Message me if you would like to donate anything.
Enter to win anytime form 11/10/2023 - 11/21/23
First Prize:
Win a stocking full of gifts.
Items could be but not limited to: books, jewelry, toys, etc. The ideas are endless and a surprise lol. It will be a Christmas stocking full of amazing items. Items donations are being accepted now so the size of this stocking has no limit.
To Enter for this prize simply go to the Go Fund Me Page set up and donate any amount. No amount is too small! Any donation gets you entered to win!

Other ways to win random prizes. Again this could be anything. As donations come in we will list some of them, but we have books, toys, jewelry, & more.
To be entered into this prize is the same way. Go to the Go Fun Me Page and donate any amount. No amount is too small! Your name will be entered onto a wheel that we will spin at the end of this event.

First name draw will win the stocking.
After that names will be drawn for random prizes. It's going to be a fun filled day of giving!
More details will be posted soon along with more prize details!
See you there!
See you there!

*** If you have already donated then your name will automatically be added to the drawings. ***

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