Thursday, June 29, 2023

Guest Blogger: Keyanna Butler

 Welcome Keyanna Butler to our blog to today.

Kenya and her family are struggling right now and she wanted to share her story with everyone. Go ahead and tell your story Keyanna.

Keyanna Butler: Thank you for having me today. 

Lizzy Stevens: You are very welcome. When you are ready, go ahead and introduce yourself and tell your story.

Keyanna Butler: Hi, I’m Keyanna and I’m trying to raise money to help my family keep up with bills and groceries until I find a new, steady job. Right now I freelance, but I am not bringing in enough to give us any relief. My husband works full time, but we are having trouble keeping up with everything on just his income.

Back in December, I was forced to leave my job because my employer stopped paying me. I have not received the back pay I’m owed, and it took a toll on my family financially. In addition, our food assistance was cut off because my husband grosses too much money according to their guidelines.

I am job hunting and am determined to find something steady by September. Until then my family could really use the help.

Thank you in advance for your support.

If you would like to show your support to Keyanna and her family visit their Go Fund Me page here:

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