Friday, April 1, 2022

Lets make April Random Acts Of Kindness Month


It’s a new month. Spring is almost here. I am going to throw out a challenge to everyone. I’m making the month of April “Random Acts of Kindness month”. I challenge everyone to do as many random acts of kindness that you can throughout the month.


It doesn’t cost a thing to do something nice and helpful to another person. Examples:

Hold a door open for somebody.


If you see somebody drop something stop and pick it up for them.


If you see something left in a parking lot like a purse, phone, toy, anything take a minute, pick it up, and take it into the business to the service desk. Hopefully the person will be able to have their lost item returned.


Doing random acts of kindness doesn’t cost any money. It just takes a few minutes out of your day. Spread joy and happiness. Pay it forward and help somebody in need.

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