Monday, April 26, 2021

He who throws dirt loses ground


He who throws dirt loses ground

From the book “God’s Little Devotional Book”


R.G. LeTourneau, the outstanding Christian businessman for whom LeTourneau College was named, made a fortune with a company that manufactured large earthmoving equipment. He once remarked, “We used to make a scraper known as ‘Model G’. One day somebody asked our salesman what the G stood for. The man, who was pretty quick on the trigger, immediately replied, “I’ll tell you. The G stands for gossip because like a talebearer, this machine moves a lot of dirt and moves it fast.”


The trouble with gossip is not so much that it is spoken as an intentional lie, but that it is heard as the absolute truth. Abraham Lincoln had a favorite riddle he used to pose to people: “If a man were to call the tail of a dog a leg, how many legs would the dog have?”

The usual reply was, “five.”


“Wrong,” Lincoln would say with a wry smile. “The dog still has four legs. Call the tail a leg doesn’t make it one.”


Just because a tale may be repeated many times by a so-called reliable source, that doesn’t necessarily make it true.


Build people up by leaving the dirt where it belongs.


Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: For we are members one of another.

Ephesians 4:25

Monday, April 12, 2021

Guest Blogger Tower Lowe


Mystery. Suspense. Empowered women. Tower Lowe (aka Donna Pecherer) tells stories set in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Homeville, Virginia. Her mysteries empower characters with mental health challenges and non-ableist characters from all walks of life. She lives in Santa Fe with her husband and their cat, Rusty.


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If anything happens to me…

That phrase from Gloria’s email haunts Molly as she bounces around half-conscious in a dark space. Later, she opens her eyes in a small house with all the windows bricked shut and the door boarded from the outside. Her kidnapper has taken her keys, her cell phone, and her purse. Molly scrambles through the house, looking for any sign of life, any hope of escape, but the house is abandoned and she sees no way out.

The kidnapping of former fraud investigator Molly Donovan follows Gloria’s murder, an event witnessed by Molly and PI Miguel Alvarez. Gloria’s mysterious email throws the two investigators together in a frantic search for the perp. A stranger traps Molly inside the abandoned house while an old friend sucks Miguel into his troubled past. Molly trusts Miguel until a series of notes incriminates him and leaves Molly on her own to investigate a sex cult, missing money, and jaded love.

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