Thursday, March 26, 2020

Guest Blogger KC Sprayberry

“We are fighting a war with no front lines, since the enemy hides among the people, in the jungles and mountains, and uses covertly border areas of neutral countries. One cannot measure our progress by lines on a map.”

—General William C. Westmoreland.

Vietnam – the name of a country that still evokes strong emotions even forty-seven years after our troops left that region. For far too many people, the memories of their time there are as fresh today as they were when they were fighting in those jungles. Back home, families not only had to contend with the horrific images on nightly news reports, but also the hatred generated by the anti-war protestors.
Tish says goodbye to her long-time boyfriend, Steve, hoping and praying she will see him when his thirteen months in country are over. When she’s told he’s MIA, status unknown, her world shatters. But she never gives up on him, and always believes they will one day reunite…


Dear Steve, I miss you so much and promise that I will never give up on you. Love you always and forever, Tish.

Tish Brady embarks on a journey she hopes will give her perspective for her future. During a time of unrest, she connects with young men bound for Vietnam, war protestors, and others with no idea what their future holds during the turbulence of 1967.

The Summer of Love is just the beginning of Tish’s journey…


Dear Steve, I can’t say this out loud. If I do, I might start crying, and I don’t want your last sight of me for the next thirteen months to be of tears. I also don’t want you to go, but I understand that you must. Keep your head down, darling. Love you always and forever, Tish.
We don’t speak for most of the ride. I can’t help myself. My birthday is coming up soon but I don’t feel happy to be turning eighteen. Instead, I’m ready to cry for the rest of my life, or the thirteen months my guy, Steve Mason, is in Vietnam.

About K.C. Sprayberry

“I have a secret… a very special secret. Perhaps you’ve heard this one before… from the time I was a child, I wanted to write stories for people to read.” K.C. Sprayberry

Former California native, K.C. Sprayberry, traveled the U.S. and Europe before finally settling in the mountains of Northwest Georgia. She’s been married to her soulmate for more than a quarter of a century and they enjoy spoiling their grandchildren along with many other activities.

Inspiration strikes at the weirdest times and drives her to grab notebook and pen to jot down her ideas. Those close to her swear nothing or no one is safe if she’s smiling gently in a corner and watching those in the same room interact. Her observations have often given her ideas for her next story, set not only in the South but wherever the characters demand they settle.

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Friday, March 20, 2020

Solstice Publishing authors

Solstice Publishing and the authors are offering books free, starting March 23 and going through March 27. These authors will be offering you action, adventure, romance, and so much more!
Lynne Marino: Five Things, The Cha-Cha Affair

Missy Turner: The Push

Richard Dalglish, Author: Murder in the Querl
Jim Osborne: Secret Shepherd

Margaret Egrot: And Alex Still Has Acne, Cast Off

Robert Hoppensteadt: Spawn of the Cataclysm

Simon Maltman: A Chaser on the Rocks, A Kill for the Poet

Author K.C. Sprayberry: Canoples Investigations Tackles Space Pirates, Canoples Investigations Versus Spacers Rule, Canoples Investigations Exposes Space Dodger, Secret Society A Canoples Investigations Novella, Canoples Investigations Pursues Believers, Canoples Investigations Destroys Dusters, Wildcat Crew 1 The Case of the Vanishing Girls Wildcat Crew 1 The Case of the Scared Child, Wildcat Crew 3 The Case of the Missing Brother, Wildcat Crew 4 The Case of Where is Marnie Wildwood?

Stay tuned for links once these books are free on Amazon!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

New Release: Holiday Stories Book One: Valentine's Day Holiday Stories: Valentines Day: Book One eBook : Thompson, Chera, Brodman, Judi Getch, Butt, Arthur, Rigley, Karen E, DeGroot...