Friday, August 25, 2023

Guest bloggers: Neely

 Welcome back Neely to our blog!

About Neely

We are Jeremy & Kaci Neely otherwise known as NEELY. We aren’t a genre, so don’t even try to box us in, sometimes country, other times rock, or southern rock, even worship music. We are musicianaries for Jesus, Husband & Wife, Dad & Mom, Grandpa & Grandma…world traveling singer/songwriters. That’s NEELY, family at heart. From our living room in Salina, Kansas not knowing my wife could sing to this… We’ve had a song on the Billboard Christian Rock chart, another song landed on a top 50 Country chart. Our music is played on radio stations in more countries than we can count. We’ve done Television, Radio, and Newspaper interviews all over the United States, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Europe, and more. When you know that labels rejected us, you’ll understand sometimes rejection leads to unleashing the best of you. God is still blessing us with music and more opportunities to share it. Come and join us…buckle up and enjoy the ride! You’ll have a blast!

Check out their new song 

Song Link: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon:

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Get Exclusive Access To Lizzy And Steve's VIP Area


Included in this Exclusive VIP area is:

Writing Lectures

Helpful tips for authors.

In this exclusive area we will give tips on things like:

How not to bore your reader

How to increase your word count without adding a bunch of filler stuff that will bore your reader.


In this section you will find recipes that you might enjoy making for your friends or family. We will also share some funny stories about the recipes. Here is an example of one that you will find in this area.

Zucchini Bread

3 eggs

1 cup vegetable oil

2 cups sugar

3 teaspoons of Cinnamon

2 teaspoons of vanilla

3 cups flour

2 cups shredded zucchini

If you use self-rising flour these two things are not needed:

1 tsp salt

½ tsp baking soda


This is a simple recipe with no special instructions. Simply mix it all together, put it in a baking dish, and then put it in the over to bake. I usually do all my dry ingredients in the bowl first then the wet ones. When it’s in the bowl you mix it all together.


Bake in the oven at 375 degrees. Ovens vary so the time will depend on your oven. The time frame will be between 45 minutes and one hour.  


Now for the funny story that I promised. My oldest son when he was a teenager loved zucchini bread. He came in with a few zucchinis that somebody had given him from their garden. He said. “Mom. Can you make me one of those cakes?”


I thought for a minute not sure what to say. I had never made one before and didn’t have a recipe or anything. So, I go over to somebody’s house to get the recipe. I won’t call my mom out right here in this group ha ha.

She got out an index card and wrote down the recipe. I still have that card today.  I took the card and put it in my purse without reading it. When I got home, I was all ready to get started on this cake/bread/ or loaf. Depending on who you were talking about it with at the time is how they worded the name of it. This was something I had never made before and was hoping that it would turn out right since I was making it for my kid.

So, I set the card on the table and start gathering all the things I will need. I start putting ingredients in a big bowl I had ready to use. I go down the list one by one doing everything the way I was supposed to. It’s all mixed up and ready for the oven now. I look at the index card and it says “bake until done”. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I looked at that and I flipped the card over and flipped it back. I had no idea what she could possibly have meant by bake until done.

So, I think this through. She couldn’t possibly mean for me to know how long that would be since I’ve never made one of these. I get it all ready and put it in the oven. Now I have to figure out how long it cooks. I need a little more information that until it’s done. This particular one cooked for about 1 hour, but I didn’t know that was how long it was going to take. I wanted to make sure I didn’t burn it so I was going to the kitchen and checking this cake every 10 minutes. I thought I couldn’t burn my son’s cake. Let me just say that was one of the longest hours I’ve ever had to go through in my life.  Now when I get recipes, I read them over good and ask questions if I need to.


We hope you enjoyed the funny story we shared. 

Free Books
Here is one of the free books you will find in this area.

Logic Of A Child

When our granddaughter was little, she would say the funniest things. These, exclusive to this VIP Area, stories will make you laugh instantly.


If you have a child or know somebody that does you will be able to relate to these stories. Be warned, you will be laughing and nodding your head a lot. These stories will show you the logic of a child. The way their mind works is incredible. This is the way our granddaughter's mind works.  

Her logic will make you both laugh and say, Well she’s right. We will share a few different stories with you.

Funny Memories

Everyone has funny childhood memories. We are sharing some of ours exclusively here with you. 


Laugh Out Loud

After a long day or week take a minute to laugh. 

Love & Laughter

This area will be full of funny stories that me (Lizzy Stevens) and Steve Miller have done during our marriage. We hope we make you laugh.


~ Lizzy Stevens & Steve Miller ~ 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Guest blogger: Jacqueline T. Moore

 Welcome author Jacqueline T. Moore to our blog today! Big Hair Cold Beer & Sweet Revenge: Thoroughly Gen X Millie Series – Book 1 eBook : Moore, Jacqueline T.: Kindle Store

After Mildred Booth gets fired, is handed a box of cash from a long gone hubby, and hooks up with a guy she didn’t know could land her in jail, Millie realizes that destroying rat-bastard Alex Strongman is much more productive than watching Let’s Make a Deal with her psychic parrot, Boo. As the song says, girls just want to have fun, and when it isn’t, sweet revenge is the only answer!

Friday, August 4, 2023

Guest bloggers: Jason Miller and Noah Miller

A Snowman's Life: Miller, Jason, Miller, Noah, Stevens, Lizzy: 9798830527071: Books

The Angry Snowman by Noah Miller
Warning! This book is not intended for young children. The Angry Snowman has some violence and destruction in the story. The town is attacked by an angry snowman. This town didn’t get the nice looking fun to be around snowman that sat in yards every Winter. What they got was an angry snowman that terrorized their town destroying everything in sight. After watching the destruction this snowman was doing the townspeople decided to fight back. They went on the attack. Who would win this big crazy battle? Would it be the Angry Snowman or would it be the townspeople?

Tommy The Snowman Was Having A Bad Day by Jason Miller
A children's book about a snowman having a bad day. This book was written by Jason when he was in the second grade. He was 8 years old at the time.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Make Love Not War Make Love Not War eBook : Stevens, Lizzy , Miller, Steve: Kindle Store

 A historic tale of the Vietnam War, returning home, and starting over. This poignant tale follows Christopher Douglas from the war torn jungle to a hometown on the brink of extinction. He heals himself along with the town as everyone works to rebuild.

New Release: Holiday Stories Book One: Valentine's Day Holiday Stories: Valentines Day: Book One eBook : Thompson, Chera, Brodman, Judi Getch, Butt, Arthur, Rigley, Karen E, DeGroot...