Thursday, May 18, 2023

Guest Blogger: Ryan Rae Harbuck

Welcome Ryan Rae Harbuck to our blog today.
Follow her on Twitter @RyanRaeHarbuck


Her story has (not) defined her.

From where she sat, her perspective of the world was both quite ordinary and rivetingly extraordinary—from a paralyzing car accident in her teens to traveling overseas on a journey of self-reflection to becoming a mom. Throughout everything she experienced, she fervently believed in following her given path.

She wanted to trust its trajectory. She wanted to be sure.

Her story is not about a chair.

Her story is about her strengths and how they rose out of her instinctive vulnerabilities.

Her story is about her struggles and how they became her victories.

Her story is about being willing to hold it all, for herself and the whole of her world.

Everyone has a chair. That thing you are bound to or unwillingly defines you. An element that makes you different from the rest. One that you have little choice in the matter.

What’s YOUR chair?

About the Author

Her call to write a book was a quiet, yet constant voice that Ryan Rae Harbuck finally listened to. And after writing as much as she could between coaching swim practices and conducting toddler craft times, when i grow up i want TO BE A CHAIR was born.

A Colorado native, Ryan has always found solace in the mountain air and has always been up for an outdoor challenge—as far as her wheelchair wheels could take her, or beyond. She has been a teacher and a swim coach, but enjoys being Mom the most. She and her husband, Andrew live in Denver with their two mudslinging, car-vrooming young boys.

Ryan is available to share her stories in publications and book readings. To learn more, please visit her website at

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Guest Blogger: Nicolette Fuller

 Hi Everyone,

Welcome Nicolette Fuller to our blog today. Check out her new book! Genesis (The New Age Series Book 1) eBook : Fuller, Nicolette: Kindle Store

After the world ended and mankind fell, Professor Dorian rose from the ashes to create a new dawn. In doing so he created the peacekeepers, and Hokura: the perfect being who held more importance than she would ever know. As she's thrown into training and life as a peacekeeper, she comes to realize there's something that sets her apart from the others. Lost in an array of emotions, she feels the only one she can turn to is her creator and mentor, the man who holds her fate in his grips.

In a compound built on secrets and lies, Hokura finds out there's more to their missions than scouting for rebels breaching the walls. Amid love, lies, deceit and betrayal, she comes to realize that where one secret ends, another begins and the one holding all the answers is the professor.

A fast-paced, thought-provoking science fiction adventure, Nicolette Fuller's 'Genesis' is a must-read for anyone who loves dystopian fiction. It's a story about the resilience of the human spirit, the power of friendship and teamwork, and the importance of never giving up hope, no matter how dire the situation may seem.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Guest Blogger: Bruce Guynn & Big Rain


Free CD – Private Collection


Private Collection, This is a FREE CD containing 8 of my favorite songs from the past 7 albums. Several songs are New Single Releases that will appear on the New Album coming out in a few months. YOU will be the first to have those Songs. Those who know my music, or have seen live performances know the music includes variety in an “Uplifting Soulful Rock, Folky Blues, R&B, Rootsy Pop style. As I am a Soul Rocker at heart I like to call it the “Redwood Coast Sound”. Not only will you enjoy this collection of songs; Once you hear this Album you will know, and remember it by its signature sound, vocals, harmonies, songwriting, and familiarity. This collection spans my musical journey from the early days up to now, and brings light to life’s journey’s we all go through. You deserve to own, and enjoy this from the heart collection of songs. Every song on this Album stands on its own with a message we all can share.

And don’t forget – you’re getting this music straight from the artist himself. Bruce will wrap your parcel, post it himself, and sign it. And you get that big, warm fuzzy feeling that comes from supporting an independent artist!
(please note – only one CD per person)

A few of the songs on the album:

Audio Player
Bruce GuynnTime Will Tell
0:21 / 4:18
  1. Take Me to HeavenBruce Guynn3:46
  2. Time Will TellBruce Guynn4:19
  3. I'm Not RunningBruce Guynn3:39
  4. Good MedicineBruce Guynn4:28

SKU: freecd Categories: 

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