Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Guest Blogger: Jazalyn


Find Jazalyn's Books on Amazon here 

Jazalyn is a progressive author-poet of surrealism and magical realism. Her style is unique and surfaces the subconscious. Her expressions in first, second and third person are not necessarily her endorsements but an artistic style of audience relation.

A rose is a beautiful and popular flower associated with the feelings of love. It is famously gifted from partner to partner single or in a bouquet. Sometimes rose petals are used in romantic scenes. Jazalyn's poetic novel is a contrasting irony to this tradition. The protagonist becomes a rose whose petals are fighting negativity and the only way to reach positivity is isolation.

Instead of endorsing love the rose disapproves it to highlight its decay that renders useless and unnecessary loving moments that in a later time lead to misfortune. The star rose has been heartbroken from temporary romance that transforms into evil, and from social bullying. She wants to realize there is no truth and that she must avoid the trap of being fooled again not only in romance but also by all other traps of life. So she isolates herself from any kind of living to reconsider situations and find the self she wants to reflect.

The plot: "A mentally and physically tortured rose is trying through introversion to avoid society’s violence so as to retain her true, pure and moral character. The rare rose strives to turn a blurry past into a bright future".

Every change is difficult and needs a process and time. This book is the process. The past was what it was, but it is gone and doesn't help anyone to be reminded because if it's unpleasant it is inevitable to lead to hate something that only makes things worse. The future should not be hate. The future will not repeat the same mistakes. And ideally the future should be filled with love, but another kind of love not erotic love. A love that evolves everyone in the best directions and makes all dreams come true.

Gradually, the rose gets relieved from all the pain that enraged her and forced her to rave and takes the initiative to lead a new life that will wake her up towards a better quality of lifestyle. The rose realized that love is not real but a delusion, and rather than an ally to happiness it is actually an obstacle, so she refrains from answering love's calls in order to focus on what really matters in life, a path she could have followed sooner but missed due to an unavoidable backstreet influence from an unjust and unfair society. She lost valuable time in ignorance but now she wishes to find the courage to continue undisturbed in better routes.

Jazalyn combines poetry with prose to embrace contemporary and modern ways of literature. She has had success on social media with her poem excerpts and poetic short stories.

More details in her official website:

"Rose: Future Heart" is available in all big online book stores globally.

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