Thursday, August 15, 2024

Guest Blogger: Raleigh Keegan

 Welcome Raleigh Keegan to our blog today!

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Check out his music here

Guest Blogger: Richard Dalglish


5 Things You Don't Know About 

Richard Dalglish

1. I served as managing editor for a business magazine that covers the fine-jewelry industry. One of our sister publications was “Publishers Weekly,” which received thousands of books to review. When PW was finished with a book, it went on a shelf or a cart or the floor with thousands of other books, all available to anyone in the company to take. For readers, it was the world’s greatest unofficial fringe benefit.


2. I once had a short-term job in an ice cream warehouse. The temperature was around 20 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit). It was so cold, we had to take a ten-minute break every hour to warm up. If a 3-gallon tub of ice cream slipped off the conveyer belt, you had to duck, because at minus-20 degrees, a 3-gallon tub was like a small boulder.


3. I was at Woodstock. There was lots of mud.


4. I ran a marathon once, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Some of the course went through the battlefield park—lots of cannons. I finished in 3 hours, 56 minutes, 15 seconds, achieving my goal with a whopping 3 minutes and 45 seconds to spare.


5. The night I saw the original “Poltergeist” movie, my television turned itself on (!) at around 2 a.m. and woke me up. As I approached the TV to turn it off, the station went into its sign-off and broadcast the exact same version of the Star-Spangled Banner that was shown in “Poltergeist.” I didn’t see any ghosts floating out of the television.

Buy his books here

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Guest Blogger: Character Interview: Mitchell Tobias, Uncle Mitch, Restoration

 Character Interview: Mitchell Tobias, Uncle Mitch, Restoration

Click on book cover to take you to Amazon to buy it!

1. Introduce yourself to our readers. Where do you fit into the story? What should we know about you?

I’m Mitchell Tobias. The oldest of the Tobias siblings, a widower, and owner of the family farm. In recent years, I developed an intense interest in wetland restorations and conservation programs I’m the favorite uncle and mentor of the main male character, Seth; I’m also dead when the story begins. I wrote the letter that sends Alex to meet Seth, so without me there would be no story. Some may say I orchestrated things from beyond the grave. And what do I say? I’d do anything to ensure my favorite nephew finds happiness and love.

2. What do you think about the author? Tell us everything. We want to know.

Elaine writes a wonderful story. And oh my, she includes some steamy love scenes. I’m happy she included my friends’ supper club in the story. Tina & Harry lost my business when I died. Although what she had Seth and Alex do in that restroom…wow! She used her experience in U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to create this story. I like how she uses her experiences to come up with ideas for stories.

3. What are your feelings about this story?

It’s a heartfelt story that offers redemption for those who thought love was lost to them. Everything and everyone is worthy of restoration. I especially enjoyed the last scene when she shows Seth’s total restoration as he and Alex visit my gravesite. I confess that it brought tears to my eyes.

4. How do you feel about being a character in this book?

I’m proud of holding such a critical role in this story.

5. What do you see in your future? (No spoilers please!)

Going to be enjoying life everlasting with my true love, Jennie, who passed before me. Plus, I’ll be watching over Seth and Alex as they move forward in their life together.

6. Is there Sequel /another book in the future? Will you be part of it?

I’m thinking not as Elaine pretty much laid me to rest.

7. Say a movie producer comes knocking. What actor would you want to play you and why?

Jeff Bridges, he’s fun, cocky, and good looking for an old guy.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Guest blogger: J.C. Adams

 Welcome author J.C. Adams to our blog today.

Liam O’Connor doesn’t know what hit him. It’s 1992, and his life’s sideways. Six years since his debut novel became a bestseller, five since he bailed New York for small town Wisconsin, he has yet to produce a follow-up. At forty-three, alone and befuddled, he hides his neuroses and insecurities behind a blustery façade that fools no one. Commitment-averse, he’s dated and left every divorcée in town. Then he meets Sylvia—a beer-loving, tattooed railroad worker, and she seems the perfect antidote. So why not take a flyer on her? He met her at a nice dinner party. What could possibly go wrong?

Friday, August 2, 2024

Guest Blogger: J. Henry Tate

 Welcome author J. Henry Tate to our blog today.

Q: Tell us about your new book.

A: Echoes of Betrayal: Protocol Clean Slate is a thrilling mystery/espionage novel inspired by my experiences as a private investigator. It follows Jack Campbell, an Alabama-based African American P.I., who gets entangled in a deadly international espionage ring after his best friend and boss is shot. The novel blends suspense, complex characters, ethical dilemmas, and unexpected twists, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page.

Q: How do we find out about you and your book? 

A: My website: Facebook: LinkedIn: “X”:

Q: How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?

A: A significant portion of my personality and life experiences is woven into my writing. My career as a private investigator provided a wealth of real-life scenarios and ethical dilemmas that enriched the plot and character development in Echoes of Betrayal: Protocol Clean Slate.

Q: When did you first think about writing and what prompted you to submit your first MS?

A: In college my English Comp 102 instructor asked me to see her after class. I was ready for the “You have to do better” speech.

Instead, she asked me to write for the college newspaper, the Vox Populi.

“What!” I said, “I am confused. Whenever you return my graded papers, they all look like you had cut your wrist and bled on them.

She laughed and said, “John, all of your issues are technical; however, your ability to put words together is a true gift.”

I wrote for the college newspaper, “Vox Populi,” for the rest of the school year. After college, I had stories published in local community papers and area Magazines. My first novel, “Echoes of Betrayal: Protocol Clean Slate” was inspired by the true life experiences I had as a private investigator.

Q: Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?

A: I try to maintain a flexible writing routine. While I don't adhere to a strict schedule, I aim to write consistently and ensure I make progress each day.

Q: What about your family, do they know not to bother you when you are writing - or are there constant interruptions?

A: Only my lovely wife and I are home now. I write with the door to my office open, or just partly closed when I am really deep. I found she disturbs me less when she feels full access.

Q: Where do your ideas come from?

A: My ideas come from everyday life. Real-world events provide the best inspiration and believable stories.

Q: Do you feel humor is important in books and why?

A: Absolutely. Humor is an essential part of life, and incorporating it into books makes the characters more relatable and the story more enjoyable.

Q: What kind of research do you do?

A: As needed – I don’t seek to become a subject matter expert. So, I research just what I need for a scene or plot line.

Q: Please tell us about yourself.

A: I present myself confidently, which has allowed me to work in various management roles and run my own business. Despite my confident exterior, I am always striving to improve and learn.

Q: What are some of your favorite things to do?

A: I love watching movies with my wife, sitting under the gazebo on our deck enjoying nature.

Q: Who are some of your other favorite authors to read?

A: I listen to audiobooks mostly, however, some of my favorite authors are – Lee Child, Mark Dawson, john Grisham, and Cindy Dees (I just found her.)

Q: What do you think of critique groups in general?

A: Critique groups can be a mixed bag. They can provide valuable feedback, but it's important to develop a thick skin and differentiate between constructive criticism and negativity.

Q: How many books have you written, and how many have been published?

A: “Echoes of Betrayal: Protocol Clean Slate” is my first completed and published manuscript.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?

A: Hopefully I will be a well-known author, with the Jack Campbell series at the top of the best-seller list.

Q; What is the most rewarding thing about writing?

A: Having other people desiring to read my writing.

Q: What is your greatest desire?

A: For my wife to enjoy a level of comfort, in our golden age, beyond anything she could have dreamed of.

Q: Are there any words of encouragement for unpublished writers?

A: Get your story down on paper the way you want to tell it. Then pay attention and listen to people, they will tell you how they want to read it. Write with the intent of improving with each page.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Guest Blogger: Stacy Walsh


Hi Everyone,

Welcome Stacy Walsh to our blog today! She is here to share 5 Things You Don't Know About her & while she is here she is going to share one of her favorite Summer time recipes with you. We hope you enjoy it.

5 fun facts about Stacy Walsh:
  1. I am a certified yoga instructor
  2. The first book I wrote, Soil, while entirely fictional was inspired by my childhood home
  3. I have two teenage sons that I love with all my heart
  4. I desperately wish I could sing, but as my mom would say I can't carry a tune in a bucket
  5. I've wanted to be a writer from as far back as I can remember, I can't believe I've finally accomplished this dream

Killer Baked Potato Soup
1 Bag of frozen cubed hashbrowns
½ Sweet onion: chopped
1 Block cream cheese
1 Bag shredded cheddar cheese
2 Cans cream of celery soup
1 Container of vegetable stock
Diced Ham (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a crock pot and cook on either low temp all day or high temp for 3 to 4 hours, stirring occassionally.  This makes several servings.

Sam wants what he believes most people want, acceptance, love, maybe even a commitment someday. When Sam meets Casey at Westside State University, he thinks he has found the perfect person to start his life with. Sam thinks he has found the woman of his dreams. Follow along with Sam through the years of his union with Casey within a world where the rules have changed. Men are no longer the more powerful gender; women have claimed that role. Explore what happens to Sam within this type of world when he chains himself to an unsafe partner. Experience how a society built on a power imbalance impacts all those that reside within it. How much can one person endure before they descend into madness? How much can one’s own self-worth be suppressed before they snap? Sam is about to find out.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Guest Blogger: Paul Roebel ~ Character Interview ~ "Playground Antics"

 Character Interview: Paul Roebel, Playground Antics

1. Introduce yourself to our readers. Where do you fit into the story? What should we know about you?

I’m Paul Roebel the mayor of Tyson. As mayor, I take care of my citizens by ensuring their tax dollars buy only the best work. So, many of the contracts are awarded to my longtime friend Tom Hadler’s construction company, H.C. Construction.

Playground Antics revolves around my new Special Projects Coordinator, Beth Collins, and her misguided efforts to award and manage a contract for our new park’s playground. By using “fair” practices instead of our tried-and-true procedures, the contract goes to an upstart company, Falcon Construction.

You should know I’m willing to go to great lengths to ensure my city runs smoothly.

2. What do you think about the author? Tell us everything. We want to know.

Elaine is creative, weaves together interesting characters into a fascinating story, and works in a perfect balance of suspense and romance. On the downside, she only captured the disreputable side of my life and activities.

3. What are your feelings about this story?

The focus of the story was unfairly misdirected away from me, the true hero of Tyson!

Other than that, it’s a well-written romantic suspense.

4. How do you feel about being a character in this book?

I’m a pivotal and necessary character. Without me there would be no Playground Antics.

5. What do you see in your future? (No spoilers please!)

Nothing earth shattering as I’ll be out of touch for a while.

6. Is there a Sequel in the future? Will you be part of it?

I doubt if there’s a sequel. If there was one, it’s doubtful I’d be invited back. For some reason, I’m persona non grata. Go figure.

7. Say a movie producer comes knocking. What actor would you want to play you and why?

I’m leaning toward Billy Zane. Why? His character in Titanic was a misunderstood rich guy, same as me.

Click on photo to go to Amazon

A tale of corruption and romance…

A playground project should be fun and safe. Right?

Beth Collins, the new city Special Projects Coordinator, is a dedicated professional navigating the dubious world of city politics.

Jace Sims, an Air Force veteran and owner of Falcon Construction, thought the city’s playground project would be a fun way to support his hometown, so he submitted a bid.

Within this city, the mayor funnels contracts to his friend’s construction company. In direct conflict with the mayor’s expectations, Beth awards her first contract to Falcon Construction.

An unexpected attraction between Beth and Jace intensifies despite treachery and threats against them.

While they work on the high-stakes playground project, they must overcome obstacles and expose the truth behind the shady dealings of the mayor and his friend. Their relationship and justice depend on their success.

Turns out Playground Antics can be playful but dangerous.

Guest Blogger: Raleigh Keegan

  Welcome Raleigh Keegan to our blog today! Follow Raleigh Keegan on Twitter! @raleighkeegan Check out his music here